- Provide optional fire attack tactics for Quints and Engines (with Truck Company support) to 2nd floor or above (limited by aerial size).
- Provide hose line deployment options using conventional and non-conventional methods.
- Provide a potentially quicker deployment and attack method when practiced as a crew.
Potential difficulties with standpipe operations
- Standpipe operations may be difficult at times due to narrow stairwells, occupants evacuating, or small landings
- Many buildings may have confusing layouts, multiple fire doors or long distances from standpipe to certain areas of structure.
Deployment of hand lines from an aerial
- Company arrives and officer selects window or balcony door through which firefighters will enter and extend hose line from aerial waterway.
- Engineer positions apparatus appropriately, sets up apparatus for operating aerial device.
- In the case of truck company operations, attending engine secures water supply to the truck and reports to truck officer for assignment.
- Quints should consider securing a water supply on the way in.
- Firefighters pre-rig the 2 ½” stinger with a gated wye to the waterway. The waterway is “pinned” appropriately for target (consider balcony, window or parapet wall, etc.). 1 ¾” line(s) and additional equipment are also secured at the aerial tip. **Equipment to consider: high-rise pack(s), high-rise equipment bag, irons, chainsaw(s), pike poles, breaching equipment, etc. Consider using a carryall secured at the aerial tip.
- Aerial is raised to target window or balcony. Aerial is positioned so crew can enter window, door or exit to roof.
- Variations include transitional attack where hose stream from aerial is directed in to fully involved window or door on the way to the target window or balcony (possible depending on apparatus waterway).
- Officer and firefighters climb the aerial and enter the target window, door or step to the roof.
- If entering an involved structure use Vent Enter Search tactics (sounding floor, securing hallway door, etc.) Assess extension into hallway.
- The last firefighter on the aerial should pass remaining equipment to the crew members inside.
- Initiate fire attack in adjacent apartment by stretching the line(s) into hallway, then to involved area. This option involves exposing hallway to smoke but pushes fire back towards involved area. *Consider entering structure with at least one apartment between yourself and the involved apartment as a “safety buffer”.
- Breach a wall directly into the involved area. This option keeps hallway clear for evacuations but may push heat and fire into hallway if hall door is open to involved area. *Must access from apartment directly adjacent to area of involvement, eliminating “safety buffer”.
This tactic could also be applied to parking structures
Drill povided by Captain Tony Allred 6A